Clinics We Offer

a baby lying on a bed


  • Maternity/Postnatal checks                     
  • Baby development checks                         
  • Minor Surgery                  
  • Medical & Special Examinations (non NHS - a few will be charged)
a person having their blood pressure taken

Practice Nurse Services                                                                   

  • Childhood Immunisation            
  • Family Planning                 
  • Smear - if due        
  • Contraception if applicable         
  • BP, Weight, Height Recording
  • General Health Promotion        
  • Travel Advice
a model of a heart

Specialist Nurse Services

  • Asthma/COPD/Breathing /Specialist Clinic
  • Coronary Disease Prevention Specialist Clinic
  • Diabetes Review
  • Phlebotomy - Wednesday 08:30 - 12:00, Thursday 08:30 - 12:30

All routine blood tests are taken at this phlebotomy clinic

Please make an appointment with reception & be sure to bring your blood test request form to the phlebotomy clinic. Alternative venues are available if required.

a stethoscope

Asthma & Spirometry Clinic

We have a trained asthma Sister who holds regular clinics.  Regular monitoring of asthmatics is recommended and you are advised to make an appointment at the clinic.

a person standing in front of a forest

Coil Fitting

This service is available to our patients at The Grange Surgery, Petersfield. Yuor GP will refer you. Ladies considering a coil need to see a GP initially to confirm suitability.  It is then important to have some routine swabs 2 weeks before the fitting.

a person being injected in the arm with a needle

Diabetic Clinic

All diabetics who are not regularly monitored at the hospital will be invited to attend this clinic on a regular basis.  Progress should be carefully monitored to reduce the long term risks associated with diabetes, such as heart disease and deteriorating eyesight.

a picture of medical instruments

Minor Operation

The Surgery has a well-equipped treatment room and some of the Partners are trained in a range of minor surgical procedures. One of the partners has had special training in the hospital Dermatology department.  Appointments for a minor operation should only be made after an initial consultation with one of the doctors.